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Healing Your Chakras

December 13, 20227 min read

Tools For Healing Your Chakras

Maintaining balance in our bodies is critical to our wellness. Chakras can become clogged, causing physical, mental, or spiritual pain. It affects all aspects of our lives. Taking time to make sure your Chakras are balanced is a necessary form of self-care.

People often ask me what tools I use when I am focusing on certain Chakras? I put together a list for you to reference if you get stuck and need some ideas.

I have given you crystals, oils, and affirmations to help you on your journey.

Keep healing, beautiful souls.

Healing Your Root Chakra

The Root Chakra keeps us grounded and is attached to identity and a sense of belonging. It’s attached to our most basic needs. When this chakra is stuck, we are stuck. The Root Chakra is also associated with the color red.

Physical issues associated with a blocked Root Chakra: 

  • constipation

  • weight issues fatigue

  • back pain

Emotional issues associated with a blocked Root Chakra:

  • insecurity

  • poor decision making anxiety

  • detachment

Now, how do we get this Chakra flowing?

Essential Oils:

  • Singles – clary sage, rosewood, patchouli

  • Blends – peace and calming, harmony, inner child, forgiveness

Apply slightly below the navel.


  • Sexuality – Aventurine

  • Intimacy – Ruby, Carnelian

  • Emotions – Citrine

Positive affirmations are a great way to work through blocks.
Try affirmations that are focused on Safety.

Here are some examples:

  • I am safe and healthy

  • I am secure financially

  • The universe will provide for me.

Healing Your Sacral Chakra

The second Chakra is the Sacral Chakra. It is attached to our ability to accept others and new experiences. It’s an important energy point for a balanced healthy life.

This chakra is the center for pleasure, whether sensual or through your daily life experiences. The location is the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel and two inches in. The color associated with this chakra is orange.

Physical issues associated with a blocked Sacral Chakra:

  • premenstrual syndrome

  • hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) lower back pain

  • joint problems

  • spleen and kidney issues low energy

Emotional issues associated with a blocked Sacral Chakra:

  • Inability to accept change

  • Insecurity

  • Feeling detached

  • Addictive/compulsive behaviors

How to help get it moving?

Essential Oils:

  • Singles – clary sage, rosewood, patchouli

  • Blends – peace and calming, harmony, inner child, forgiveness

Apply slightly below the navel.

Crystals are also a wonderful way to help clear and balance energy.

  • Sexuality – Aventurine

  • Intimacy – Ruby, Carnelian

  • Emotions – Citrine

Affirmations are a wonderful way to shift your thinking and energy.
Here are a few examples for you.

  • I deserve to experience pleasure.

  • I embrace change.

  • Every day, I experience more joy and satisfaction.

  • My body is vibrant.

Healing Your Solar Plexus

The third Chakra is associated with the color yellow. This Chakra is tied to our willpower and ability to be confident and in control of our lives. It relates to self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. The location is the upper abdomen in the stomach area.

Physical issues associated with a blocked Solar Plexus:

  • Overeating and overindulgence

  • Fatigue or excessive laziness Eating disorders

  • Ulcers or other digestive problems

Emotional issues associated with a blocked Solar Plexus:

  • Anger issues

  • Excessive stubbornness

  • Desire for control

  • Perfectionism

  • Being overly critical

I like to open this Chakra with a few tools.

Essential oils:

  • Singles – fennel, juniper, lemongrass, ginger, cinnamon

  • Blends – Harmony, En-R-Gee, Acceptance, Release, Sacred Mountain

Apply between navel and rib cage.

Crystals to use for balance and healing:

  • Energy – Citrine

  • Vitality – Calcite

  • Desire/ Power – Topaz

Affirmations are a great way to shift your mindset and invite new energy.  Allow your mind to take on a new outlook. This will release the blocks holding you back.
Here are a few examples:

  • I feel motivated to explore my purpose.

  • I am ambitious and more than capable.

  • The past is the past. I am ready to grow from this moment forward.

  • The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations.

  • I am perfection ready to grow and learn.

Healing Your Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is not just about romance; It’s about moving beyond the ego. This Chakra relates to our ability to love. It’s tied to how we love ourselves and others. The color associated with this chakra is green. The location is the Center of chest just above the heart.

Physical issues associated with a blocked Heart Chakra:

  • Heart disease

  • cardiovascular disease

  • coronary artery disease

  • abnormal heart rhythms

  • arrhythmias

  • congenital heart disease

Emotional issues associated with a blocked Heart Chakra:

  • Loneliness

  • Social anxiety

  • Being overly critical of yourself and others

  • Unable to give or receive freely

What tools can you use to unblock the Heart Chakra?

Essential Oils

  • Singles: Rose, Jasmine, ylang-ylang

  • Blends: Joy, Acceptance, Humility

Apply over the heart.

Crystals are a great way to help heal and balance energy.

Here a few suggestions:

  • Love: aventurine, jade

  • Hope: rose quartz, Kunzite

  • Compassion: rhodochrosite

Positive Affirmations for the heart Chakra should be focused around inviting love and compassion into your life.

For example:

  • I welcome love to my life.

  • I forgive others, and I forgive myself.

  • I create supportive, loving relationships that are good for me.

Healing Your Throat Chakra

The Fifth Chakra influences our ability to communicate. It deals with self-expression, speaking the truth, and also holding secrets. The Location of this Chakra is the throat. It’s also considered the seat of emotion. The color linked with this chakra is blue.

Physical issues associated with a blocked Throat Chakra:

  • hoarseness

  • sore throat

  • thyroid problems

  • laryngitis

  • neck pain

Emotional issues associated with a blocked Throat Chakra:

  • depression

  • inability to express yourself anxiety

  • aggression

  • lack of self-esteem

Want to get this Chakra moving?

Essential Oils

  • Singles: Bergamot, Tea Tree, chamomile

  • Blends: Believe, Valor, Envision, Hope

Apply to throat area.

Crystals can help facilitate healing and balancing the energy. Here are a few suggestions;

  • Communication – lapis lazuli

  • Creativity – turquoise, kyanite

  • Healing – blue topaz, azurite

Affirmations focused on Authenticity are a great way to open up this Chakra and get the energy flowing.

Here are a few examples for you.

  • I feel comfortable speaking my mind.

  • I speak my truth with ease.

  • I have clear boundaries.

Healing Your Third Eye Chakra

This Sixth Chakra deals with our ability to focus and see the big picture. This Chakra is our connection to higher realms and deeper states of consciousness and understanding. Some call it “the space in between”, The location is the forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra). The color associated with your third eye is Indigo.

Emotional issues associated with a blocked Third Eye Chakra:

  • Unable to let go of the past

  • Second-guessing your instincts

  • A negative outlook on life

Physical issues associated with a blocked Third Eye Chakra:

  • migraines

  • sinusitis

  • seizures

  • poor vision

  • sciatica

Want to work on opening up this Chakra?

Essential Oils:

  • Singles – patchouli, cedarwood, Lavender.

  • Blends – Awaken, Dream Catcher, Transformation, White Angelica.

Apply between the eyebrows.

Crystals are an excellent way to help balance energy and heal.

Here are a few suggestions.

  • Clairvoyance – Amethyst

  • Intuition – Moonstone

  • Psychic Sense – Sugilite.

Positive affirmation are a great way to open up your third eye. Focus the affirmations around intuition and awareness.

Here are a few suggestions.

  • I trust my intuition.

  • I feel connected to my spiritual truth.

  • I let me inner wisdom guide me.

  • My thoughts are calm and peaceful.

Healing Your Crown Chakra

The highest chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. The answers to the universe lie here folks. The location of our Crown Chakra is the very top of our head. It’s associated with the color violet. Its element is cosmic energy.

Physical issues associated with a blocked Crown Chakra:

  • Neurological disorders

  • Nerve pain

  • Thyroid and pineal gland disorders

  • Alzheimer’s

  • Recurring headaches

  • Migraines

  • Schizophrenia and delusional disorders

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

Emotional issues associated with a blocked Crown Chakra:

  • Isolation and loneliness

  • inability to connect with others

  • Lack of direction

  • Inability to set or maintain goals

  • Feeling disconnected spiritually

Here are a few tips to make sure this Chakra is open and working like you need it.

Essential Oils:

  • Singles – Frankincense, myrrh, lavender

  • Blends – Gathering, Inspiration, Three Wise Men

Apply to the top of the head.

Crystals are always a great way to open up this Chakra as well.

  • For Understanding – White Jade, Diamond

  • To connect to Cosmic Consciousness – Herkimer Diamond

  • Enlightenment – clear quartz

Positive affirmations focused on enlightenment.
For example:

  • I feel connected to my higher self.

  • I am an extension of the universe.

  • I am in unison with the universe.

Happy healing everyone. Make magic on your journey forward!

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