Your Inner Guidance System

Soul To Soul Reading + Energy Healing + The Clairity Zone Lifetime Membership + Automatic Writing Lifetime Membership + Surprise Bonus

Normal Price: $625 - THURSDAY ONLY: $313

Step #1Start Here
Step #2Finish Here

About Your Inner Guidance System

Soul To Soul Sessions are here to bring clarity to specific aspects of your life.

We will look at the blocks holding you back from living your best life. I will focus on the patterns that have continually come up in this lifetime and past lifetimes. This lifetime is only a small portion of your journey. We look at your journey as a soul in its entirety to find the answers you need.

Energy Healing sessions are designed to work with energy centers in our bodies to allow the energy to flow in better harmony for better health. These energy centers, which look like spinning wheels, called Chakras (meaning “wheel” in Sanskrit). They allow energy to flow from one part of the body to another. As with all things in our reality, they are linked to sound, light, and color.

Wondering what’s going to happen once you push that little button?

Let me tell you…

First, you are on your way to making a real change in your life, either finding clarity or healing blocks. That’s always a good thing!

Once you finish purchasing the bundle, you will magically be whisked off to the land of Scheduling. Here you may choose what day and time work best for you. Then tadaa we are all set!

Don’t worry I will reach out to you before the reading to make sure we are connected before the scheduled time.

Then The Real Magic Begins!

© 2017 - 2023 BEAUTIFUL ENCOUNTERS BLOOM & DANIELLE WRAY ®™ | All Rights Reserved |